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Straight Talk About #Women and Drinking

Margaret Whichard

#On the Rocks

#Has alcohol use become normalized?

Excessive drinking among Americans continues. Even with warnings, treatment programs, and pleas from family members and friends. Recently, I read the book, On the Rocks, by Susan Stewart. This book provides an excellent summary of alcohol use in the USA, with an emphasis on #drinking by women.

In America, drinking is the 3rd leading cause of preventable death.

Weekly consumption of alcohol increased by 43% from 1996 to 2021.

Women Only

Alcohol Use Disorders have increased by 83% in the past 10 years.

Binge drinking in women increased by 23% from 2000 to 2016.

Americans reported overall alcohol use by category:

Beer 38% Wine 30% Liquor 29%

Americans drinking wine by gender:

Men 20% Women 52% (an increase of 9% since 1994)

65% of Americans report drinking (28% drink daily)

Millennials are the largest & fastest-growing group of wine drinkers.

#Occasional wine drinking is down, but #high-frequency drinking is up.

13% drink eight or more drinks in a week.

#Why are women drinking more?

Increased marketing directed at women.

Alcohol use is more acceptable in the workplace.

Pressure from family & friends.

Relationship problems.

Timeout from children & household chores.

Social Media pressure.


Some of the reasons reported for drinking:

Loss of hope.

Economic or financial stress.


Political concerns.

Traumatic events.

Stress & Anxiety.

Are Americans ambivalent about drinking?

COVID and Drinking:

COVID-19 definitely caused an increase in drinking by all sexes. Again, women suffered the most, as they were more likely to be at home all day with their children and responsible for schooling.

Men Versus Women:

Most research on alcohol use studies men (8% women, 92% men) and is conducted by men. There’s definitely a need for more studies involving women of all ages and in all stages of life. Compared to men, their lives are complicated and complex. Women are more vulnerable to alcohol-related conditions and death. Attributed to their smaller bodies, hormonal fluctuations, and different stomach enzymes. #Women are more likely to drink at home, #especially older women.

AA, the most successful program for drinking, is structured around the needs of men. Women often report being exploited at these meetings. There are separate meetings for women but one size doesn’t necessarily fit all. Women state they do not feel comfortable talking to their doctors and doctors report they are uncomfortable talking about addiction or drinking with their patients.

Most experts believe that numbers related to drinking and addiction are underreported. Opinions vary but some think it may be as much as 50%. They are also concerned that drinking is glamorized by social media sites & TV shows. Pinkwashing. Numerous companies paint their products pink or add a pink ribbon claiming they donate to cancer research. Studies show that moderate alcohol use increases breast cancer. Opposers believe they are using the pink ribbon recognition to promote their products. Profits are more important than good health.

“American women are swimming in a sea of alcohol, and we are letting them drown.” Susan Stewart.

On the Rocks: Straight Talk about Women and Drinking Aug15, 2022, by Susan D. Stewart

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Aug 27, 2023

This one hits close to home. Always grateful for you and bringing awareness to these issues. Love you <3

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