Holidays, even religious ones like Easter, can be hard for some of us. For homeless individuals, holidays are especially difficult. Times, when other people are celebrating with family or friends, are just another day for them but with another layer of sadness.
The New York Times recently released a homelessness report for 2022 and the conclusion was that in the USA, the crisis is getting worse.
There are an estimated 582,500 unhoused people.
60% of these were living in shelters, safe havens, transitional housing, etc.
40% were living on the streets, in abandoned buildings, other unsafe places, etc.
76% of these were age 25 or older, 7% were 18 to 24, and 17% were under 18.
62% were men or boys and 38% were women or girls.
30% have a mental health condition and 50% have co-occurring substance use problems.
The most common mental illnesses are Schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
The homeless have high rates of chronic illness and they die an average of 12 years sooner than the general population. Having a mental illness makes a person more vulnerable to homelessness, victimization, loneliness, and depression. The most significant factor contributing to homelessness is housing. Covid and increasing rental prices have created a massive shortage of affordable housing. Researchers use the following example of musical chairs: "Imagine there are 10 people for nine chairs. One person, weighed down by poor health or other homeless problems, does not make it to a chair. Is the problem that person's circumstances or the lack of another chair?"
I worked for two different ministries serving homeless communities. Before then I knew very little about this and had many misconceptions. This work opened my eyes, changed my life, and inspired me to get more involved in the mental health needs of my community. In my next blog, I'll share more about that experience. In this Easter season, if you cross paths with a homeless person, pause and thank God for all your blessings. Maybe even ask if there is anything that you can do.

#homeless and holidays
#homeless and mental illness
#homeless and addiction
#homeless housing shortage