My Mission
Have you lost hope? Are you living in fear because of current events? Do you feel there's no one to help, or that no one understands? Mass shootings, hate crimes, drug use and overdose, alcoholism, abuse in every imaginable form, homelessness, unrest, anger, a shortage of Mental Health providers, and too many problems to list.
Recently, I trained to be a chaplain with Warrior Family Ministries and graduated from Light University with a Master Diploma in Mental Health Coaching. My vision is to create positive mental health awareness, help you overcome the stigma, silence, and shame associated with counseling, and eliminate price as a barrier to seeking help.
Mr. Rogers said, “Look for the Helpers”. Today, we live in a very different world. We need helpers now more than ever. I provide Mental Health coaching for FREE or donation-only while sharing God's love with others.